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Energy and Water Manager Best Practices: Project Planning, Team Building, and Tracking

This interactive training will educate learners about energy management best practices including the value of setting goals, developing a plan, identifying milestones, and documenting the tasks associated with those goals and milestones. During the training, you will discover why it's important to identify key stakeholders and core team members for each project or task and to get their support and buy-in.

T01-S06 Lessons from the Field: Building Climate Change Organizational Capacity

Meeting the challenge of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to climate change and enhancing federal agency resilience to climate hazards requires federal agencies to evaluate their agency-wide capacity and readiness. Extensive research on climate change governance and organizational structures, integrating climate-related competencies into job descriptions and performance expectations, and building organization-wide culture, literacy, and capacity exists to inform how the federal government can lead by example.
