UFC 3-600-01 Fire Protection Engineering for Facilities, with Change 6

This UFC must be used as the minimum standard for the planning and development of projects and, design, construction and commissioning documentation used for the procurement of Facilities. Examples include, but are not limited to the development of scopes of work, DD1391 documentation, drawings, specification and request for proposals. It is the primary fire protection criteria reference document for services provided by architectural and engineering (A&E) firms and consultants in the development of both design–bid–build and design–build contracts.

UFC 3-575-01 Lightning and Static Electricity Protection Systems, with Change 1

This UFC provides policy and design requirements for static electricity protection, and lightning protection systems and related grounding for facilities and other structures. The information provided here must be utilized by electrical engineers in the development of the plans, specifications, calculations, and Design/Build Request for Proposals (RFP) and must serve as the minimum electrical design requirements. It is applicable to the traditional electrical services customary for Design-Bid-Build construction contracts and for Design-Build construction contracts.
