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Pressure and Temperature Resets  

Education Type: 
1 Hour
Professional Development Hours: 
1.0 PDH
Sponsored by: 

Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)


Air handling unit (AHU) supply air static pressure and temperature resets are advanced control strategies that can save significant building energy in partial load conditions and are required by energy codes. In this presentation, we will introduce the AHU pressure and temperature reset concepts, describe different implementation options, and recommended AHU static pressure reset control setup. Industry best practices on implementing these resets will also be introduced. Detailed AHU static pressure reset control sequences using the "Trim and Respond" method will be illustrated through animation and a control programming example. Finally, common issues related to the strategy setup, operation, and maintenance will be discussed.


Joe Zhou, Ph.D., PE, CEM, Slipstream

Kevin Frost, Ph.D., PE, CEM, Slipstream

Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will:

  • Introduce AHU temperature and pressure reset concepts​;
  • Learn application and design, and energy code and DoD requirements;
  • Describe implementation options and controls setup​;
  • Provide industry best practices​;
  • Understand detailed pressure reset control sequences; and​
  • Summarize common issues​.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: