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LOD-MMDR Workshop - 2 PM/AE Course  

Education Type: 
Live Online
2 Hours
1:00 - 2:00 PM (EDT)

This 2–hour workshop is designed to familiarize project managers and architects with the
use of the LOD concept and MMDR as management and review tools. The topics will be discussed in more detail than in the executive course, with more interactive discussion. The topics addressed and the detail given them may be adjusted for the mix of people in the class.

LOD–MMDR Workshop — 2 PM/AE Course Presentation  


Jim Bedrick, FAIA

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this workshop, attendees will be able to:

  • Describe general LOD concepts, framework, and logic at a practical level;
  • Describe the problems the LOD Framework solves;
  • Describe the evolution of the LOD Framework as an industry standard;
  • Efficiently find needed information in the LOD Specification (LOD Spec);
  • Understand OBO's Minimum Modeling and Data Requirements (MMDR);
  • Describe the impact of the LOD framework on the reliability of models; and
  • Be able to evaluate design review submittals for compliance with modeling requirements.
Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: