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ESPC ESA Webinar Series: ESPC ESA Workshop Summary  

Education Type: 
Live Online
1 Hour
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EST)


*This webinar is non–accredited*

ESPC ESA Webinar Series: ESPC ESA Workshop Summary

This webinar will build on the energy savings performance contracts energy sales agreement (ESPC ESA) webinar series available on–demand here.

On March 11, 2020, FEMP held a publically available ESPC ESA workshop, with the main audience being ESCOs, renewable energy developer, and financier staff as well as federal agency champions. The workshop included discussion panels and breakout groups to exchange information on overcoming common barriers related to topics such as financing and the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC). During this webinar, FEMP will summarize information shared during this workshop, especially for stakeholders that were unable to participate in person.


Chandra Shah, CEM, MBA, Senior Project Leader, National Renewable Energy Laboratory  

Chandra Shah is a senior project leader at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. She is the laboratory lead for the Federal Energy Management Program's (FEMP) distributed energy procurement program and has been supporting FEMP since 1998.

Phil Voss, B.S. Architectural Engineering, Senior Procurement Specialist, National Renewable Energy Laboratory  

Phil Voss is working with the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) team in the role as federal energy procurement specialist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Phil previously worked as senior project leader for the FEMP team, served as technical team leader for the U.S. Department of Energy's energy savings performance contract (ESPC) program, and represented NREL on the Federal ESPC Steering Committee.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will:

  • Understand the benefits and requirements of ESPC ESAs;
  • Be aware of ITC stepdown considerations when pursuing ESPC ESA projects; and
  • Address common barriers to ESPC ESAs, such as reserve account calculation and project financing.