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EBCx Building System Fundamentals  

Education Type: 
11 Hours
Sponsored by: 


Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

The Construction and Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) offers a suite of courses including this Existing Building Commissioning (EBCx) Building System Fundamentals that can be taken individually or as a series for full certification. This EBCx Building System Fundamentals course will review building HVAC systems and the basic tools and equations necessary for understanding those systems.

Course Sections

Federal Agencies and Facility Criteria: 

This training course is comprised of eleven sections including a post-course assessment and survey. Esch section includes instructional videos followed by a quiz. Once enrolled in the course, the sections can be taken in any order. This page will also track your progress whether your goal is to complete the course on its own or complete the course as a portion of a larger series.

ESTCPEBCX1-111.11 HVAC Fundamentals - Loads & Processes (Part 1)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-121.12 HVAC Fundamentals - Loads & Processes (Part 2)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-131.13 HVAC Fundamentals - Loads & Processes (Part 3)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-211.21 HVAC Fundamentals - HVAC Equipment (Part 1)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-221.22 HVAC Fundamentals - HVAC Equipment (Part 2)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-311.31 HVAC Fundamentals - Pumping Systems (Part 1)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-321.32 HVAC Fundamentals - Pumping Systems (Part 2)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-411.41 HVAC Fundamentals - Air Side Systems (Part 1)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-421.42 HVAC Fundamentals - Air Side Systems (Part 2)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-511.51 HVAC Fundamentals - HVAC Controls (Part 1)  
>ESTCPEBCX1-521.52 HVAC Fundamentals - HVAC Controls (Part 2)  
HVAC Fundamentals - Post-Course Assessment

To complete each secion above, view the module(s) and pass the post-assessment with a score of at least 80%. To receive the overall HVAC Fundamentals training certificate, users must complete all eleven sections and complete the post-course assessment. Completed sections will be displayed on this page in order to measure progress toward the certificate.

Credits for EBCx HVAC Fundamentals

This training course was developed through a collaborative effort between CERL, ESTCP, and other supporting contractors.