
by the National Mechanical Insulation Committee (NMIC)



Installation of mechanical insulation is typically managed by experienced contractors who specialize in the mechanical insulation sector of the commercial, industrial and HVAC sectors of the construction industry. As with any successful construction project, the initial step is to read and understand the project specifications and drawings. The insulation contractor should be familiar with the objectives of the insulation job and be prepared to highlight and resolve any inconsistencies or errors in the specification. Often, specific insulation or accessory products are specified, and the insulation contractor must thoroughly understand the requirements for installing these products. The contractor must obtain and review the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all materials used on the project. Code compliance is generally the responsibility of the design professional, but a knowledgeable insulation contractor should understand the code requirements in his or her locality and be able to help expedite resolution of compliance issues. Sometimes there are conflicts between the specifications, the manufacturers' recommendations, and the code. Early identification and resolution of these conflicts is desirable.

NIA has launched a new Vimeo training portal to expand their educational offerings. Available are 29 videos, including NIA's webinars, the Mechanical Insulation Installation Video Series, and others covering topics like manufacturer's recommendations, leadership, installation, health & safety, and more. Visit to see the complete listing.

Pre-Work Considerations

Before initiation of work, insulation contractors must be aware of the specific location of the work. They must identify and plan to deal with any issues associated with the location. The efficient handling, movement and storage of materials and personnel will be important and planning will be required. In some cases, this may involve providing lifts or specialized job-site vehicles. A clean, dry, and secure storage area for materials and equipment must be identified. Insulation materials which have become wet or damaged should not be installed and should be removed from the project.

Access to the work must be available. This will require close coordination with other trades to minimize congestion in the work area. The mechanical and/or general contractor will have this responsibility for the area. Project readiness is sometimes an issue. Some products such as adhesives, tapes, mastics, coatings etc. require they be applied above a minimum application temperature or in a given temperature range. The insulation contractor must be aware of these limitations and make the general, mechanical contractor or others aware of those limitations so they can provide the necessary working environment to allow the work to be completed in a timely and efficient manner. In addition, the insulation contractor should highlight the potential for damage to the insulation system, completed or in process, by 1) other trades, 2) weather or 3) other conditions beyond their control so that the mechanical or general contractor can take the appropriate steps to protect the work from damage.

Securing Methods

Mechanical insulation is installed in a variety of ways depending on the application, the materials involved, and the environment. The installation methods can have a direct impact on the performance of the insulation system. A concern with all methods is to minimize the existence of thermal short circuits which can result in excessive heat loss for hot systems and excessive heat gain and possible condensation problems for cold systems. Metallic supports, hangers and fasteners are common sources of thermal short circuits and they should be used carefully. For systems involving large temperature differences, multiple layers of insulation allow the opportunity to stagger joints thereby minimizing thermal shorts at through joints.

Pipe and Tubing

Small pipe and tubing can be insulated with cylindrical half-sections of rigid insulation or with preformed flexible material. Larger pipes can be insulated with flexible material or with curved, flat segmented or cylindrical half, third, or quarter sections of rigid insulation. Fittings (valves, tees, crosses, and elbows) may use preformed fitting insulation, fabricated fitting insulation, individual pieces cut from sectional straight-pipe insulation, or insulating cements. Fitting insulations should always be equal in thermal performance to the pipe insulation.

The method of securing varies with the type of insulation, size of pipe, form and weight of insulation, and type of jacketing (i.e., field- or factory-applied). Insulation with factory-applied jacketing can be secured on small piping by utilizing the overlapping jacket, which usually includes an integral sealing tape (commonly called SSL for Self Sealing Lap). Large piping may require supplemental wiring or banding. Insulation on large piping requiring separate jacketing may be wired or banded in place, and the jacket is cemented, wired, or banded, depending on the type. Insulation with factory-applied metal, membrane, or PVC jacketing is secured by specific design of the jacket and its joint closure system.

Several valuable references provide guidance on installation details. The Midwest Insulation Contractors Association ( has developed the 7th edition of the "National Commercial and Industrial Insulation Standards". This document, commonly referred to as "the MICA Manual" provides detailed illustrations of various techniques for applying mechanical insulations. The Insulation Practices Section of the Process Industry Practices (PIP) ( provides guidance aimed specifically at industrial work.

Insulating Pipe Hangers

All piping is held in place by hangers or supports. Selection and treatment of pipe hangers and supports can negatively impact the thermal performance of an insulation system. Additionally, the choice of hangers can influence the ability to seal the vapor retarder on cold systems. Thus, it is important that the insulation contractor review the specifications and drawings to understand the hangers that will be used and to verify that sufficient physical space is maintained to allow for the required thickness of insulation.

A typical ring or line size hanger is illustrated in Figure 1 A (see also MICA Plate 1-600 and PIP INIH0011). This type of hanger has been commonly used on above-ambient lines at moderate temperature. However, it provides a thermal short circuit through the insulation, and the penetration is difficult to seal effectively against water vapor, so it is not recommended for cold systems. MICA Plate 1-660 illustrates the construction of vapor stops, which are often specified for below-ambient systems.

Pipe shoes (Figure 1B, MICA Plate 1-620) are used for hot piping of large diameter (heavy weight) piping and where significant pipe movement is expected. The design allows for pipe movement without damage to the insulation or the finish. The design is not recommended for below-ambient applications because of the thermal short circuit and difficulty in vapor sealing.

Insulating Pipe Hangers: A. Ring, B. Shoe, C. Clevis

Fig. 1 Insulating Pipe Hangers
©American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.

A better solution is to use oversized (as opposed to line-sized) clevis hangers (Figure 1C, MICA Plate No. 1-610), which are sized to allow clearance for the specified thickness of insulation, and avoid the short circuit associated with ring and shoe hangers. Shields (or saddles) spread the load from the pipe, its contents, and the insulation material over an area sufficient to support the system without significantly compressing the insulation material. The appropriate saddle length will depend on the weight of the pipe and contents. Suitable high-density inserts are often required to prevent the weight from crushing the insulation. (Ref: ANSI/MSS SP-69-2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Selection and Application)

For vertical piping, welded or bolted-on support rings are often required (see PIP INIH0004 or MICA Plate No. 1-630). Allowance for contraction or expansion may be required, depending on the service temperature requirements and the insulation materials specified.

Flanges and valves in piping runs require either removable reusable fabricated fitting covers (see Materials and Systems - Removable Reusable Covers) or over sizing in the field (PIP INIC0008 or MICA Plate 2-135).

Heat tracing is often specified where piping must be protected from freezing, or where process piping must be maintained at a minimum temperature. Tracing may be either electrical cables or tape wrapped around the pipe, or in some cases tubing for carrying steam which runs down the length of the pipe (MICA Plate No. 1-900). This may require over sizing the pipe insulation to accommodate the tracing.

Tanks, Vessels, and Equipment

Flat, curved, and irregular surfaces, (e.g. tanks, vessels, boilers, and breechings) are normally insulated with flexible or semirigid sheets or boards or rigid insulation blocks fabricated to fit the specific application (MICA Plate No. 4-810). Tank and vessel head segments may be curved or flat and cut to fit in single piece or segments per ASTM Standard C450. Head segments must be cut to eliminate voids at the head section, and in a minimum number of pieces to minimize joints. Prefabricated flat head sections should be installed in the same number of layers and thickness as the vessel walls, and void areas behind the flat head should be filled with packable insulation. Typically, the curved segments are fabricated to fit the contour of the vessel surface in equal pieces to go around the vessel with a minimum number of joints. Because no general procedure can apply to all materials and conditions, manufacturers' specifications and instructions must be followed for specific applications (MICA Plate No. 4-620).

Insulations are secured in various ways, depending on the form of insulation and contour of the surface to be insulated. Flexible insulations can be adhered to tanks, vessels, and equipment using contact adhesive, pressure-sensitive adhesives, or other systems recommended by the manufacturers. Rigid or semi-rigid insulations on small-diameter, cylindrical vessels can be prefabricated and adhered or mechanically attached, as appropriate. On larger cylindrical vessels, angle iron insulation support rings can supplement banding. For horizontal tanks, slotted angle iron may be run lengthwise on the cylinder, at intervals around the circumference to secure and avoid an excessive length of banding (see MICA Plate 4-140). The use of expansion springs where tanks are subject to significant expansion and contraction is recommended.

Rigid and semirigid insulations can be secured on large flat and cylindrical surfaces by banding or wiring and can be supplemented by fastening with various welded studs with speed washers at frequent intervals.


Exterior rigid or flexible duct insulation can be attached with adhesive, with supplemental pins and clips, or with wiring or banding (MICA Plate No. 3-120). Individual manufacturers of these materials should be consulted for their installation requirements. Flexible duct wraps normally do not require attachment except on bottom duct panels more than 24 in. wide. For larger ducts, pins placed at a maximum spacing of 24 in. or less are sufficient. Internal liners are attached with adhesive and pins, in accordance with industry standards. For fibrous glass duct liners, follow the NAIMA Fibrous Glass Duct Liner Standard. For other materials, consult the manufacturers.


Insulation systems are usually (but not always) finished to protect the insulation or for appearance purposes. Finishes are generally categorized by the type of protection required (e.g. weather barriers, vapor retarders, mechanical abuse coverings, or appearance coverings). Some insulation products utilize factory-applied coverings which may combine the finish and securement functions. Installation of these products should be per the manufacturer's recommendations. In other cases, the finish is installed in the field.

Metal jacketing (or lagging) may be aluminum, stainless steel, or coated steel. Metal jacketing products are available in a number of finishes. Jacketing may be secured by rivets, screws, or by banding. For cold service, metal jacketing is typically installed over the vapor retarder. In this case, care should be taken not to disturb or puncture the vapor retarder with screws or rivets. Overlaps should be positioned to shed water and longitudinal laps should be wide enough to provide weather-proofing. It is recommended the metal be pre-rolled to snugly fit the circumference of the insulation to prevent fish-mouthing along the longitudinal lap. A 1/2" to 1" hem along the longitudinal lap may be added to the jacketing to further prevent fish-mouthing and to give it a safety edge. All overlaps should be a minimum of 2", preferably 3" on larger diameters.

PVC jackets should be cut and curled when applying to insulated pipe diameters of 8" or smaller. Above 8" they can be cut on-site. The laps can be sealed with appropriate adhesive to make a moisture tight jacket. PVC adhesive should be used only on thicknesses of 20 mils or more.

Laminates come in a variety of designs and thickness and are sometimes factory applied. For field application, consult manufacturer's application instructions.

Mastics are sometimes specified as a finish material, often in conjunction with reinforcing fabric or mesh. Application should be per manufacturer's recommendations. The contractor should be aware that both weather-barrier and vapor-retarder mastics are available.

Special Considerations

There are a number of special installation considerations that may come into play depending on the job.

Access for inspection. Some critical systems require access for periodic inspection. In these cases, removable insulation covers or inspection ports are specified, particularly at valves, fittings, and flanges where leakage is most likely to occur.

Adequate space for insulation thickness. Allowance for adequate space for insulation is an issue with many installations. This is a design issue and should be addressed at the design phase of the project.

Mechanical protection. Protection of the insulation from physical abuse should be considered as part of the insulation system design. Often this is overlooked. The design team should highlight locations where high traffic or activities could damage insulation. This may suggest the use of additional protection (metal jacketing, PVC jacketing, and/or walkways).

Startup precautions. Some insulation materials require specific procedures on start-up of a project. This could involve heat-up schedules for high temperature applications. There may also be requirements for specific personal protective equipment due to the potential for out-gassing. Consult the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets for specifics.

Fire resistant assemblies. Some specifications will require fire resistant ratings, usually in the form of "hourly ratings" for wall, ceiling, or through penetrations. Requirements for "grease duct" insulation fall into this category. These fire resistant ratings generally refer to listed assemblies which have been tested by nationally recognized testing laboratories. It is important to understand that the insulation used in these assemblies is only one of many components in the assembly, and compliance with the hourly rating will depend on installing per the requirements of the listing. For more information, see the Design Objectives discussion on Fire Safety.

Inspection and Maintenance

Insulation systems, like all mechanical systems, require periodic inspection and maintenance. While inspection and maintenance are the responsibility of the owner, the fact is that most insulation systems are frequently ignored. With time, insulation systems can be damaged by a variety of reasons, and if not repaired or replaced, can become ineffective. Insulation contractors can play a key role in facilitating regular inspection and maintenance programs.

Failure to perform inspection and timely maintenance carries a number of risks. On hot systems, missing insulation results in increased heat loss. This may translate to significant economic losses over time. For outdoor systems, damaged or missing weather barriers can allow rainwater water entry, which can compromise the effectiveness of the insulation system. On cold systems, damaged vapor retarders will lead to increased water vapor intrusion, which can reduce insulation effectiveness, increase rates of corrosion and increase the potential for mold growth. If inspection reveals missing or damaged insulation, repairs should be scheduled as soon as possible. This is particularly true for cold systems where water vapor intrusion can rapidly spread.

At a minimum, insulated areas should be inspected annually. Inspection of the external surface should include signs of cracking, distortion, damage, corrosion, evidence of hot spots on high-temperature systems or condensation or ice build-up on low-temperature systems. When necessary, external finish should be removed to enable inspection of the insulation and attachments. Infrared video cameras have been found to be useful for inspection and should be considered for both post startup inspection and ongoing insulation maintenance.

When removal and replacement is indicated, re-insulation should be performed in the same manner as the original installation unless 1) the nature of the damage indicates that the system was improperly insulated or 2) the materials originally used are now outdated. Damaged insulation should be torn back to undamaged material. Care should be taken in removal of existing insulation to minimize damage. Temporary protection for adjacent insulation may be required to prevent damage while repairs are underway.

This "Check List" and "Risk Assessment Discussion" has been designed for the mechanical insulation applications as defined in NIBS's Mechanical Insulation Design Guide (MIDG).

The "Check List" is being provided as a simple guide for individuals evaluating the condition of an installed mechanical insulation system. It is not intended to be all inclusive and or provide sufficient information to act as a stand alone document that would allow anyone, experienced or inexperienced, to function as an inspector of mechanical insulation systems.

Risk Assessment Discussion

There are risks associated with not maintaining a mechanical insulation system in a timely and effective manner. Those risks, including the severity of those risks, will vary depending upon the use - service temperature of the operating system on which the insulation is installed; the surrounding environment; ambient conditions; the extent of any damage to the insulation system; the insulation system design; quality of the installation; the time line of correcting any damage and other occurrences that may be unique to the area in question.

The following list depicts the type of risk that could occur in not timely and effective maintaining a mechanical insulation system. However, as previously mentioned they may not apply to all situations and multiple risks could occur simultaneously or in varying order of events:

  1. Increased energy cost
  2. Increase in the emission of greenhouse gases
  3. Process - production quality could suffer and cost increase
  4. Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) could occur
  5. Condensation and or ice, depending upon the service temperature, could develop
  6. The potential development of mold or mildew
  7. Personnel safety could be affected
  8. Personnel productivity could suffer
  9. Time and attention taken away from other initiatives
  10. Facility appearance could be less that expected
  11. The life and operational efficiency of equipment in the area could be negatively effected
  12. Increased "life cycle" cost
  13. Sustainability objectives not obtained
  14. Return on investment (ROI) estimates not obtained

Each company and individual has their own level of risk tolerance however; the risk of not timely and correctly maintaining a mechanical insulation system is real and should not be overlooked or underestimated.

Maintenance "Check List"

Upon observing any of the following conditions a maintenance request - action plan should be implemented to: (a) assess the degree of damage and (b) repair and or replace the damaged area of the insulation systems to prevent further damage and to avoid further risk. The listing does not appear in any particular order of importance or priority.

  • Damage to or wearing of the outer jacketing - finish of the insulation system. (Damage could be caused by mechanical abuse; negligence; weather or simply occur over time)
  • Penetrations to the insulation system are not sealed
  • Insulation is missing for whatever reason
  • Insulation has been removed and not yet replaced
  • Insulation supports are failing or appear not to be working correctly
  • Ice, mold, mildew on/in the insulation system
  • Condensation appears to be occurring
  • Discoloration of the insulation system, other than by dirt
  • "Fish mouthing" of the outer jacketing seams
  • Insulation system securements are missing or becoming loose
  • Sagging or pulling away of the insulation system
  • "Hot Spots" in the insulation system
  • The insulation systems appears to be wet
  • Joints in the insulation appear to be opening
  • Expansion or contraction joints appear to be not functioning correctly
  • Insulation system is being used in an environment or service which is different from the original design for the insulation system

General Guidelines for the Repair of a Below Ambient Insulation System After Substrate Inspection

This "Guideline" has been developed specifically for "non destructive" testing procedure of the substrate beneath insulation systems operating below ambient temperature. However, this same procedure may also apply to other areas in need of repair. This guideline does not apply to cryogenic applications.

The physical penetration of an intact below ambient insulation system is viewed as "destructive" and should be avoided if possible. Other forms of non-invasive inspection that does not require penetration of the insulation system should be investigated before proceeding with any procedure that requires penetration of the insulation system.

Consideration should be given for the potential need of penetrating the insulation system for substrate inspection in the insulation system design phase and location of the inspection points identified and vapor stops applied on either side of the area to be penetrated. The manufacturer of the insulation material and vapor retarder should be contacted for their recommendations for this procedure.

General Considerations and Preparation

  1. Prior to penetrating the system and insulation removal, careful planning is required in order to ensure that the inspection is as minimally invasive as possible.
  2. Contact the insulation and vapor retarder manufacturer for specific repair recommendations for the insulation system and operating conditions involved. If the system is operating during the inspection process "water stops" should be installed as soon as the insulation is removed to insure moisture /condensation does not run into the inside dimension (ID) of the remaining insulation. "Water stops" can be accomplished by several means: (a) Wrap insulation foam tape around the pipe, sealing off the ID of remain insulation or (b) Adhere the remaining insulation to the substrate. This procedure should be confirmed with the respective insulation manufacturer.
  3. Have proper tools, supplies, and sufficient replacement materials on hand to effect repairs to the insulation system immediately following the inspection. Ideally, the insulation should be removed immediately, 15 minutes or less, before the inspection and the repair procedure began immediately after that area of inspection is complete and completed as soon as possible.
  4. Repairs to the system are to be made using the same materials and insulation thickness that was used in the original system.
  5. For systems operating below 0°C (32°F) a deicer such as methanol may be needed to remove ice build-up if the repair is not done immediately. In addition to methanol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and vehicle antifreeze can be used to remove or potentially prevent the formation of ice for a short period of time. Each of these materials has various environmental, health and safety issues that should be considered prior to use. When utilizing any of these materials, care should be taken to minimize contact with the remaining insulation system.
  6. Repairs to the insulation system should be made by an experienced insulation contractor immediately after the inspection is completed.
  7. Penetration of the insulation system should never be made in inclement weather or when inclement weather is anticipated before the repair can be completed.
  8. If possible, penetration and repairs should be made while the operating system for the area in question is not in operation. Repairs made while the system is in service are difficult and may not yield the expected long term results.
  9. Penetration of the insulation system could void insulation system or material warranties, written or implied. The insulation contractor and material manufacturers should be contacted before proceed with any invasive inspection process In addition, failure to follow the recommended repair guidelines of the respective contractor, material manufacturers etc could also void any and all insulation system warranties, written or implied.
  10. Penetrating a below ambient insulation systems and not properly and timely repairing the area could create damage to an extended area of the insulation system, shorten the life of the insulation system and create many others of concern such as, but not limited to, substrate corrosion, condensation, safety related issues etc.
  11. All penetrations should be made on the bottom 180 degrees of all horizontal surfaces, and on the bottom if possible.

Considerations for Insulation Removal

  1. Removal of the insulation from the area to be inspected should be done by an experienced insulation contractor.
  2. Care must be exercised during the insulation removal process to avoid damaging the insulation system beyond that which is required for the inspection.

Insulation System Repair

  1. If possible, the insulation system should be removed to the first insulation system joint. This procedure is more readily employed if the system is not in service. If not done during the removal, process cut or sand the exposed edges of the insulation to create a clean edge.
  2. Working outward on multi-layer insulation systems, remove an additional 2" wide strip of insulation from successive insulation layers from around the perimeter of the inspection area so that the repair joints will be staggered when the insulation is replaced.
  3. Measure the exposed area and cut replacement insulation to fit the exposed area. The insulation should be tightly installed, friction fit when possible.
  4. Just prior to replacement of the insulation, wipe the exposed area down with dry rags to remove as much condensation as possible. If the substrate is iced up, apply deicer to remove the ice.
  5. For totally adhered systems, replace the insulation and seal the joints using the adhesive recommended by the respective manufacturer.
  6. For mechanically attached systems, replace the insulation and seal the joints using the sealant recommended by the respective manufacturer.
  7. On multi-layer systems, the inner layers are replaced without joint sealant and the joints of the outer layer are sealed using the sealant recommended by the respective manufacturer.
  8. If applicable, replace insulation finish with materials that match those used for the original installation and in a manner recommended by the finish manufacturer.

General Guidelines for the Repair of Above Ambient Insulation System After Substrate Inspection

This "Guideline" has been developed specifically for "non destructive" testing procedure of the substrate beneath insulation systems operating above ambient temperature. However, these same guidelines may also apply to other areas in need of repair.

The physical penetration of any intact any insulation system is viewed as "destructive" and should be avoided if possible. Other forms of non-invasive inspection that does not require penetration of the insulation system should be investigated before proceeding with any procedure that requires penetration of the insulation system.

Consideration should be given for the potential need of penetrating the insulation system for substrate inspection in the insulation system design phase and location of the inspection points identified. The insulation and weather barrier or protective covering manufacturers should be contacted for their recommendations for this procedure.

General Considerations and Preparation

  1. Prior to penetrating the system and insulation removal, careful planning is required in order to ensure that the inspection is as minimally invasive as possible.
  2. Prior to removing or repairing the insulation system, verify the type of materials to be removed and or repaired. If there are any questions pertaining to those materials contact the respective manufacturer or others as necessary. Review the appropriate safety guidelines and work practices for the materials to be removed, repaired and installed.
  3. Contact the insulation and weather barrier—protective covering manufacturers for specific repair recommendations for the insulation system and operating conditions involved. If the system is operating during the inspection process consideration should be given to specific personnel protection requirements.
  4. Have proper tools, supplies, and sufficient replacement materials on hand to effect repairs to the insulation system immediately following the inspection. Ideally, the insulation should be removed immediately, 15 minutes or less, before the inspection and the repair procedure began immediately after that area of inspection is complete and completed as soon as possible.
  5. Repairs to the system are to be made using the same materials and insulation thickness that was used in the original system.
  6. Repairs to the insulation system should be made by an experienced insulation contractor immediately after the inspection is completed.
  7. Penetration of the insulation system should never be made during inclement weather or when inclement weather is anticipated before the repair can be completed.
  8. If possible, penetration and repairs should be made while the operating systems for the areas in question are not in operation. Repairs made while a system is in service could be more difficult and may not yield the expected long term results.
  9. Penetration of the insulation system could void insulation system or material warranties, written or implied. The insulation contractor and material manufacturers should be contacted before proceeding with any invasive inspection process In addition, failure to follow the recommended repair guidelines of the respective contractor, material manufacturers etc could also void any and all insulation system warranties, written or implied.
  10. Penetrating above ambient insulation systems, or any insulation system, and not properly and timely repairing the area could create damage to an extended area of the insulation system, shorten the life of the insulation system and create many others areas of concern such as, but not limited to, substrate corrosion, condensation, safety related issues etc.
  11. Where possible penetrations should be made on the bottom 180 degrees of all horizontal surfaces, and on the bottom if possible. If penetrations are made on the top of a vessel or other horizontal surface that is exposed to the elements, the additional risk associated with that penetration should be understood by all parties and care taken accordingly.

Considerations for Insulation Removal

  1. Removal of the insulation from the area to be inspected should be done by an experienced insulation contractor.
  2. Care must be exercised during the insulation removal process to avoid damaging the insulation system beyond that which is required for the inspection.

Insulation System Repair

  1. The insulation system should be removed to the extent required to ensure all damaged insulation is removed. These guidelines are more readily employed if the system is not in service. The exposed edges of the remaining insulation should be cut or sanded to create a clean and straight edge.
  2. Working outward on multi-layer insulation systems, remove an additional 2" wide strip of insulation from successive insulation layers from around the perimeter of the inspection area so that the repair joints will be staggered when the insulation is replaced.
  3. Measure the exposed area and cut replacement insulation to fit the exposed area. The insulation should be tightly installed, friction fit when possible.
  4. Just prior to replacement of the insulation, wipe the exposed area down with dry rags to remove all dirt or other contaminates and or condensation as possible.
  5. If applicable, replace insulation finish with materials that match those used for the original installation and in a manner recommended by the finish manufacturer.
  6. Perform a full inspection of the damaged area during the removal and replacement or repair process, and upon completion of the work, and make adjustments as necessary.

Example Installation Plates

PIP Plate INIH0011PIP Plate INIH0004

PIP INIH0011 - View enlarged plate 

PIP INIH0004 - View enlarged plate 


PIP INIC0008 - View enlarged plate 

MICA Plate 1-610MICA Plate 1-660

MICA Plate 1-610 - View enlarged plate 

MICA Plate 1-660 - View enlarged plate 

MICA Plate 1-900MICA Plate 3-120

MICA Plate 1-900 - View enlarged plate 

MICA Plate 3-120 - View enlarged plate 

MICA Plate 4-620MICA Plate 4-810

MICA Plate 4-620 - View enlarged plate 

MICA Plate 4-810 - View enlarged plate