Project Managers Guide for Design and Construction  

Archive (Canceled)

Excellent installations foster pride, productivity, and enhance the Air Force mission. The quality of an installation influences the performance of our most important resource, our people. This Guide is written to assist Air Force Design and Construction Project Managers (AF DM/CM) in the quest for excellence in design and construction of Air Force facilities. This guide is a recommendation of best practices to achieve successful MILCON execution and should not limit individual AF DM/CM flexibility.

This guide is generally focused on traditional design-bid-build (DBB) type projects. However, many of the principles outlined herein can be applied to design-build (DB), and where applicable, specific reference to DB is made. For detailed information on the DB process, refer to the Air Force Guide to Design-Build. This guide follows MILCON projects from the earliest stages, through the approval and funding processes, and then through Design, Construction and Closeout. This guide also tries to help distinguish the differences between program development and project management in an effort to help AF DM/CMs recognize their specific responsibilities. Some chapters provide details regarding processes and activities that are outside the responsibilities of an AF DM/CM (Design Manager/Construction Manager) and are for information only.

Federal Facility Criteria: