In support of climate change resilience-related executive order goals and legislative mandates, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) is helping agencies understand how to incorporate climate change considerations within their resilience planning efforts. This training will provide attendees with an overview of FEMP's available tools and resources on local climate change projections, how to incorporate climate information within the Technical Resilience Navigator (TRN), and include a discussion about the differences between climate change adaptation and mitigation (and the types of solutions that may be developed for each).
Sophia Dahodwala, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Read Bio
Sophia Dahodwala is a Project Manager in the Economics, Policy & Institutional Support Group in the Electricity, Infrastructure & Buildings Division. She brings experience working on international climate change adaptation, environmental management, resilience and sustainability issues. Sophia's primary areas of interest are assessing climate risks in different sectors, including health, energy, and water resources management, and working to develop actionable recommendations to increase communities' adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change. She is also interested in developing net zero/GHG reduction strategies and implementing activities to realize these targets. Prior to joining PNNL, she provided management, research and analysis, and environmental compliance (including climate risk management) support to USAID-funded projects in Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Sophia holds a BA in geography and international affairs from the George Washington University.
Alison Delgado, Research Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Read Bio
Alison Delgado is an Earth Scientist at the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI), a collaboration between the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the University of Maryland at College Park. Her research interests focus on climate and energy resilience and buildings energy efficiency. Major areas of work have included performing regional assessments of climate change impacts and resilience; supporting countries in the analysis of the implementation of energy efficiency programs, particularly in the buildings sector; and implementing best practices for capture and use of technologies to mitigate methane emissions in the energy sector.
Dr. Hannah Rabinowitz, Earth Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Read Bio
Dr. Hannah Rabinowitz is an Earth Scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory whose work aims to improve energy and water resilience at federal sites, with a particular focus on resilience to natural hazards, including those impacted by climate change. This includes developing strategies for sites to incorporate decarbonization and resilience priorities into their energy and water planning decisions. Hannah's research more broadly focuses on developing and implementing risk assessment methodologies as well as investigating challenges and opportunities related to renewable energy technology deployment, particularly with respect to geothermal energy.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this training, attendees will be able to:
- Access and use key Technical Resilience Navigator (TRN) tool actions;
- Identify where to find and how to use reliable climate change resources; and
- Identify differences between climate change mitigation and adaptation actions to help identify solutions to address these different goals, including solutions that can help to address both.