HVAC Fundamentals - HVAC Controls (Part 1)  

Education Type: 
0.5 hours
Sponsored by: 


Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

We're briefly discussing how we moved from pneumatic to DDC types of control infrastructure before looking and different types of control including two-position, floating control, and PID (proportional integral derivative).

The representation of HVAC sequences as a series of connected logic blocks is critical. Here we are starting with the basics of how different elements of HVAC control can be shown in logic block format.

We're starting with some basic HVAC controls sequences of operation as represented in schematic and logic block format.

In this second part, we're looking at additional HVAC sequences of operation including those that often reset the setpoint of their control loops.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Converse and understand common controls terminology;
  • Recognize and classify different controls equipment;
  • Understand the purpose of standard controls equipment and their common problems;
  • Understand basics of control symbols.