HVAC Fundamentals - Air Side Systems (Part 2)  

Education Type: 
0.5 hours
Sponsored by: 


Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

This module focuses on establishing some different ways to classify air side systems because there is such a variety used today. We classify by: methodology, unit type, add-on features, and distribution.

In addition, a few common considerations for air-side HVAC system performance are discussed, including preheat coils, filter systems, reset strategies, and system effect.

Finally this module explains how an air-side economizer is ideally supposed to operate and the potential for different modes of failure and inefficiency.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Converse and understand common air-side equipment terminology;
  • Recognize and classify different air-side equipment;
  • Understand the purpose of standard air side equipment and their common problems;
  • Understand basic performance characteristics for air side equipment.