HVAC Fundamentals - Pumping Systems (Part 1)  

Education Type: 
0.5 hours
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Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

In this module we introduce pumps, their components, operation, standard equations, and applications. Pumps are critical in your understanding of HVAC equipment because Water is often employed as a heat transfer medium between load management devices like chillers or boilers and pumps do all the work.

This module provides a basic overview of how centrifugal pumps are employed to move HVAC loads in our hydronic systems. The second video introduces the pump energy equation and breakdown of the different components including flow (in GPM), pressure (in feet of head), efficiency (for different components), and power conversions. From there we move on to looking at how flow requirements (based on equipment needs) and head estimates (based on distribution pressure drops) act as key pumping system parameters. Finally we review pump curves because to understand centrifugal pump performance, we need to understand the pump curve. The final video explains how to read these charts so we can understand how to assess or improve our pumping systems.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of pumps from their components and operation to their design parameters and application;
  • Understand pump affinity laws and pump equations;
  • Identify energy savings and retrocomission pumping systems.