HVAC Fundamentals - HVAC Heating Equipment (Part 2)  

Education Type: 
0.5 hours
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Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

This module discusses HVAC heating equipment focusing less on heat pump systems covered in the cooling section, and more fossil fuel based boilers. Several configurations exist for commercial HVAC heating equipment, including simple heat pumps, heat recovery chillers, gas-fired furnaces, hot water boilers, and steam systems. This module reviews basic arrangements for these systems and discusses standard system components.

Hot water combustion boilers can be broken into two types, lower efficiency, non condensing and higher efficiency condensing. It is important to be able to identify the different types of boilers, and operating clues relating to efficiency. Here we discussing clues from nameplate and inspection to determine if a boiler is capable of condensing mode. We also review chemical explanation of condensing boilers, key components, and tuning charts.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand common HVAC heating configurations;
  • Understand common heating equipment;
  • Understand condensing boilers, and their operational efficiency.