HVAC Fundamentals - Loads & Processes (Part 3)  

Education Type: 
0.5 hours
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Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

These videos begin to put the pieces together that connect the HVAC equations to real world conditions and actual design processes. We discuss zone loads and identify how heating an cooling equipment has to optimize and treat both indoor conditions as well as outside fresh air which each have unique temperature and humidity qualities . We discuss modeling buildings using weather data in the form of heating and cooling degree days and bin data. Finally we expand beyond the psych chart to a phase change diagram and correlate that to boiling water, and HVAC heating and cooling processes.

Think about these questions while going through these modules:
1. Based on what we've learned about addressing zone loads, how should we go about sizing a chiller? Keep in mind that HVAC loads are dependent on what the coil "sees" rather than what is addressed at the zone.
2. Degree days and bin data are two types of weather resources that help characterize local climate conditions. Access to these weather resources provides qualitative and quantitative RCx tools.
3. The psych chart represents one example of a multi-phase system (air with different levels of water saturation). Others include steam and various refrigerants. In commercial HVAC, steam and refrigerants constantly cycle through states to address loads.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how to translate between the real world and the psych chart and how to identify system effects;
  • Understand national weather data as a load and understand the common ways for utilizing the bid data in HVAC modeling including degree days and bin data;
  • Expand beyond the psych chart to understand how to relate heating and cooling cycles to these diagrams.