Visit the Corrosion Prevention & Control (CPC) Source for more information on guidance, training, and knowledge for planners, designers, constructors, and maintainers for assistance in planning, identifying, repairing, or eliminating corrosion during the facilities life cycle. If you have any comments or suggestions for the Checklists, please email WBDG Support at
The Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) Checklists Tool contains three editable (MS Excel format) checklists for assisting in the creation and evaluation of a CPC Program, project development, creating an RFP, establishing a Design Review, Quality Assurance, Contractor Quality Control, and Commissioning Program (both for in-house and contractor). If the checklist is to be used in project planning, then it can help validate each step of the process to ensure inclusion of appropriate corrosion related requirements. The Checklists can be used to support CPC efforts such as preventive maintenance inspections and project planning where government employees are performing the work.
The CPC Checklists (Checklists 1 – 3, including checklist questions, organization and references) are intended to serve as an assist for facilities professionals (government and contractor) in addressing CPC contract requirements. It is not intended to be complete or apply in every situation (contract, SRM action, RFP). These lists should be coordinated with contract requirements to ensure that they are consistent and do not overreach. The user must apply good engineering judgement and practice in developing an appropriate checklist that applies to the specific contract and or project (procurement, in-house job). Research into every reference is necessary to ensure compliance with the contract and project. The UFC 1-200-01 DoD Building Code lists Environmental Severity Zones for each DoD location. These Zone designations must be adhered to in developing a design and in selecting appropriate CPC materials and building element corrosion mitigating requirements. Micro-environments must be considered for specific areas (swimming pool enclosures, chemical storage, etc.) that exist within ESC Zones 1, 2, and 3.