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Below is a listing of the Revisions and Changes made to UFGS Sections for each quarterly release.

To view a list for a specific UFGS Release, select the UFGS release date from the 'Release' drop-down and click 'Apply'.

To view a list of all the revisions and changes made to a specific UFGS Section, select 'Any' from the "Release' drop down, type the Section number into the Search bar and select the Section to view, then click 'Apply'.

After clicking 'Apply', you can PRINT REPORT, which will include the nature of the change/revision.

To view the complete detailed history of all the revisions and changes made to a UFGS Section, click on the Section title.

ACTION N New R Revision C Change D Deletion
Release PA UFGS Section Action Change # Nature of Change or Revision
May-2021 N UFGS 26 42 22.00 20 Cathodic Protection System for Steel Water Tanks D Superseded by new unified UFGS 26 42 15 CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR THE INTERIOR OF STEEL WATER TANKS Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
May-2021 N UFGS 26 51 00 Interior Lighting C 1 Changes made to address various CCRs: added new paragraph (1.5.8) "Photometric Plan"; updated Specifier Note in LED Light Sources (2.3.1); updated ( Exit Signs with Battery Backup and (2.6.6) Central Emergency Lighting System.
May-2021 A UFGS 32 13 15.20 Concrete Pavement for Fuel Storage Containment Dikes C 1 Added impermeable liner system requirements in response to CCR 7040.
May-2021 A UFGS 35 01 70.13 Wire Rope for Gate Operating Devices R Complete review and update.
May-2021 A UFGS 35 20 16.54 Slide Gates and Actuators N New UFGS.
May-2021 A UFGS 35 45 02.00 10 Submersible Pump, Axial-Flow and Mixed-Flow Type R Complete review and update.
May-2021 A UFGS 46 07 13.13 Precipitation/Coagulation/Flocculation (P/C/F) Water Treatment N Superseding UFGS 02 51 13 PRECIPITATION/COAGULATION/FLOCCULATION WATER TREATMENT.
May-2021 A UFGS 46 20 20 Sewage Bar Screen and Mechanical Shredder R Complete review and update.
May-2021 A UFGS 46 24 16 Comminutors R Complete review and update.
May-2021 A UFGS 46 51 00.00 10 Air and Gas Diffusion System R Complete review and update including section title change.
May-2021 A UFGS 46 53 62 Continuous Loop Reactor (CLR) Wastewater Treatment System R Complete review and update including section title change.
May-2021 A UFGS 46 61 00 Filtration Equipment R Complete review and update.
May-2021 A UFGS 46 66 56 Open-Channel Disinfection Equipment R Complete review and update.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 01 20 00 Price and Payment Procedures C 1 In response to CCR 9618, reference to FAR 32.503-6 has been replaced with "FAR 32.103 Progress payments under construction contracts" in paragraph (1.7.1) "Obligation of Government Payments" .
Feb-2021 N UFGS 01 31 23.13 20 Electronic Construction and Facility Support Contract Management System (eCMS) C 6 In response to CCRs 9429 and 9621, removed reference to DoD Manual 5200.01-V4 and all FOUO designations; replaced "FOUO - For Official Use Only" with "CUI Controlled Unclassified Information" throughout; and changed CLASS heading in Table 1 to "DESIG" (designation).
Feb-2021 S UFGS 01 33 00 Submittal Procedures C 4 Incorporation of the following CCRs: Incorporated PPI Information CCR# 7812 - Changed Title to Certification of Submittal in 1.17 CCR# 7894 - Updated paragraph 1.6.1 for non-Army projects CCR# 8991 - Added 23 09 00 to paragraph 1.5.2 CCR# 9026 - Deleted the 2nd sentence in par 1.10.2. Added “For variations that include design changes or some material or product substitutions, the Government may require an evaluation and analysis by a licensed professional engineer hired by the contractor. in para 1.10.1 CCR# 9065 - Deleted Tailoring Notes for,, and Added note to 1.4.2 CCR# 9073 - Added Section 01 91 00.15 20: Commissioning Plan, Certificate of Readiness, and Commissioning Report" to paragraph 1.5.2 CCR# 9326
Feb-2021 A UFGS 01 33 23.33 Aviation Fuel System Specific Submittal Requirements C 1 Deleted redundant drawing sizes from paragraph 1.1.1 in response to CCR 8754 and updated paragraph 2.1.1 in response to CCR 8756.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 01 33 29 Sustainability Requirements and Reporting R Revised to align with industry standards; to align with UFC 1-200-02 revision; to combine DB and DBB requirements into a Tri-Service, tailorable spec; and reorganized paragraphs into hierarchical presentation. Titled changed from "SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING" to "SUSTAINABILITY REQUIREMENTS AND REPORTING"
Feb-2021 N UFGS 01 45 00.00 20 Quality Control C 8 In response to the following CCRs: 8956 - add reference to UFGS Section 01 32 16.00 20; and 9339 - coordinate commissioning and sustainability with UFGS Sections 01 91 00.15 20 and UFGS 01 33 29.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 01 45 00.10 20 Quality Control for Minor Construction C 3 In response to CCR 8942, "KO" has been replaced with "Contracting Officer" throughout, "Pre-Construction Conference" and "Pre-Construction Meeting" have been tailored for Army and Navy respectively, and various clerical tagging corrections have been made.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 01 78 23.33 Operation and Maintenance Manuals for Aviation Fuel Systems C 1 Deleted editing note in paragraph 2.1.2, corrected formatting issues in paragraph 2.2, and updated editing note in paragraph 3.3.6 in response to CCR 8929.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 01 91 00.15 20 Total Building Commissioning N Navy-only Commissioning Section superseding UFGS-01 91 00.15 TOTAL BUILDING COMMISSIONING.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 01 91 00.15 Building Commissioning D Superseded by UFGS-01 91 00.15 20 TOTAL BUILDING COMMISSIONING Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 32 00 Subsurface Drilling, Sampling, and Testing D Superseded by UFGS 02 32 13 SUBSURFACE DRILLING AND SAMPLING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1924. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 32 13 Subsurface Drilling and Sampling N Superseding UFGS 02 32 00 SUBSURFACE DRILLING, SAMPLING, AND TESTING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1924. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 35 27 Soil-Bentonite (S-B) Slurry Trench D Superseded by UFGS 31 56 13.13 SOIL-BENTONITE SLURRY WALLS without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1925. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 51 19 Solidification and Stabilization Decontamination N Superseding UFGS 02 55 00 SOLIDIFICATION/STABILIZATION (S/S) OF CONTAMINATED MATERIAL without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1934. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 53 16 Remediation of Contaminated Soils By Thermal Desorption D Superseded by UFGS 02 53 16.13 REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SOILS BY THERMAL DESORPTION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1931. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 53 16.13 Remediation of Contaminated Soils by Thermal Desorption N Superseding UFGS 02 53 16 REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SOILS BY THERMAL DESORPTION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1931. Nontechnical number change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 54 19.13 Bioremediation Using Landfarming N Superseding UFGS 02 54 20 BIOREMEDIATION OF SOILS USING LANDFARMING SYSTEMS without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1932. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 54 19.16 Bioremediation of Soils Using Windrow Composting N Superseding UFGS 02 54 21 BIOREMEDIATION OF SOILS USING WINDROW COMPOSTING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1933. Nontechnical number change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 54 20 Bioremediation of Soils Using Landfarming Systems D Superseded by UFGS 02 54 19.13 BIOREMEDIATION USING LANDFARMING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1932. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 54 21 Bioremediation of Soils Using Windrow Composting D Superseded by UFGS 02 54 19.16 BIOREMEDIATION OF SOILS USING WINDROW COMPOSTING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1933. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 55 00 Solidification/Stabilization (S/S) of Contaminated Material D Superseded by UFGS 02 51 19 SOLIDIFICATION AND STABILIZATION DECONTAMINATION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1934. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 56 13 Waste Containment Geomembrane D Superseded by UFGS 02 56 13.13 GEOMEMBRANE WASTE CONTAINMENT without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1935. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 56 13.13 Geomembrane Waste Containment N Superseding UFGS 02 56 13 WASTE CONTAINMENT GEOMEMBRANE without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1935. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 56 13.16 Clay Waste Containment N Superseding UFGS 02 56 14 CLAY BARRIER LAYER without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1936. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 56 13.19 Geosynthetic Clay Liner Waste Containment N Superseding UFGS 02 56 15 GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER (GCL) without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1937. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 56 14 Clay Barrier Layer D Superseded by UFGS 02 56 13.16 CLAY WASTE CONTAINMENT without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1936. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 56 15 Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) D Superseded by UFGS 02 56 13.19 GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER WASTE CONTAINMENT without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1937. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 61 13 Excavation and Handling of Contaminated Material C 1 Deleted and updated references in response to CCRs 2245 and 4992. Updated submittals in response to CCR 6032.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 66 00 Select Fill and Topsoil for Landfill Cover D Superseded by UFGS 02 66 13 SELECT FILL AND TOPSOIL FOR LANDFILL COVER without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1939. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 66 10 Test Fill D Superseded by UFGS 02 66 16 TEST FILL without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1940. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 66 13 Select Fill and Topsoil for Landfill Cover N Superseding UFGS 02 66 00 SELECT FILL AND TOPSOIL FOR LANDFILL COVER without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1939. Nontechnical number change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 02 66 16 Test Fill N Superseding UFGS 02 66 10 TEST FILL without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1940. Nontechnical number change.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete C 1 In response to CCR 6876, the mark for ASTM A615/A615M reinforcing bars was changed from "A" to "S" in paragraph (2.6.1) Reinforcing Bars, list item "b".
Feb-2021 N UFGS 03 45 00 Precast Architectural Concrete C 1 In response to CCR 9837, reference to A, B and C grades were removed from the paragraph "Grout" (2.2.13).
Feb-2021 N UFGS 05 05 20 Post-Installed Concrete and Masonry Anchors N UFGS 05 05 20.00 27 added - New Section to address the requirements for post-installed concrete and masonry anchors.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 05 05 20.00 27 Post-Installed Concrete and Masonry Anchors N New section to address the requirements for post-installed concrete and masonry anchors.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 07 41 13 Metal Roof Panels C 4 In response to CCR 9492, updated paragraph (3.13) WARRANTY by removing "USACE" from the title and requirements for future contracts and arbitration.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 07 54 19 Polyvinyl Chloride Roofing C 3 Updated NRCA reference in response to CCR 9568.
Feb-2021 S UFGS 08 34 73 Sound Control Door Assemblies C 1 Added STC rating to Para - CCR# 8318
Feb-2021 N UFGS 08 71 63.10 Electrical Locking Control for Brigs R Complete review of section.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 09 67 23.15 Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 3-Coat System R Complete review and update.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 09 67 23.16 Fuel Resistive Resinous Flooring, 5-Coat System R Complete review and update.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 09 90 00 Paints and Coatings R Complete review and update.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 09 97 13.27 High Performance Coating for Steel Structures R Revised in response to the following: CCR 9541- title has been changed from "EXTERIOR COATING OF STEEL STRUCTURES" to "HIGH PERFORMANCE COATING FOR STEEL STRUCTURES"; CCR 9540 – 2.2 COATING SYSTEM – to allow 100% shop coating; CCR 9542 – SSPC requirements confirmed; and CCR # 9543 – Added notes to designer to carefully coordinate Division 05 and Division 08 UFGS when used. Indicated that this UFGS is required for coating of components indicated in UFC 4-211-01.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 13 34 19 Metal Building Systems C 1 In response to CCR 9491, updated paragraph (3.14) WARRANTY by removing Army tailoring and Specifier Note as well as requirements for future contracts and arbitration.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 21 13 25 High-Expansion Foam System, Fire Protection C 1 Updated Flanges and Gaskets paragraph in response to CCR 7781. Corrected formatting issues in response to CCR 8444. Updated paragraph 2.3.9 in response to CCR 9292.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 23 08 00.00 20 Commissioning of Mechanical[ and Plumbing] Systems N Reinstate Section Number 23 08 00.00 20. New Navy-only section covering commissioning requirements for HVAC and plumbing systems. This new section does not replace or supersede the section dated 08/08 which covered the requirements for testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) of HVAC air and water distribution systems. UFGS-23 08 00.00 20 (08/08) was superseded by UFGS-23 05 93.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 23 81 00 Decentralized Unitary HVAC Equipment C 1 Deleted contents of paragraph 2.3.4 and added note.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 26 27 14.00 20 Electricity Metering R Complete review and update.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 00 00 Earthwork C 2 Updated paragraph 1.5.4 in response to CCR 5210. Updated reference in response to CCR 7275. Updated paragraphs in Part 3 in response to CCRs 9380, 9381, 9382 and 9384.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 05 19 Geotextile D Superseded by UFGS 31 32 19.16 GEOTEXTILE SOIL STABILIZATION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2079. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 05 19.13 Geotextiles for Earthwork N Superseding UFGS 31 05 22 GEOTEXTILES USED AS FILTERS without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2082. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 05 20 Geosynthetic Drainage Layer D Superseded by UFGS 31 32 19.13 GEOGRID SOIL STABILIZATION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2080. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 05 21 Geogrid Soil Reinforcement D Superseded by UFGS 31 35 19.13 GEOGRID SLOPE PROTECTION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2081. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 05 22 Geotextiles Used as Filters D Superseded by UFGS 31 05 19.13 GEOTEXTILES FOR EARTHWORK without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2082. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 10 00 Site Clearing R Superseding UFGS 31 10 00 CLEARING FOR CIVIL WORKS without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2083. Nontechnical section title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 21 00 Off-Gassing Mitigation R Superseding UFGS 31 21 00 PIPING; OFF-GAS without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2086. Nontechnical title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 23 01 Underwater Blasting N New UFGS.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 23 06.00 Blasting - Surface N New UFGS.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 32 19.13 Geogrid Soil Stabilization N Superseding UFGS 31 05 20 GEOSYNTHETIC DRAINAGE LAYER without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2080. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 32 19.16 Geotextile Soil Stabilization N Superseding UFGS 31 05 19 GEOTEXTILE without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2079. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 32 23 Foundation Drilling and Grouting D Superseded by UFGS 31 43 13.13 CONCRETE PRESSURE GROUTING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2090. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 35 19.13 Geogrid Slope Protection N Superseding UFGS 31 05 21 GEOGRID SOIL REINFORCEMENT without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2081. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 36 00 Gabions R Superseding UFGS 31 36 00 WIRE MESH GABIONS[ AND MATTRESSES] without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2091. Nontechnical title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 43 13.13 Concrete Pressure Grouting N Superseding UFGS 31 32 23 FOUNDATION DRILLING AND GROUTING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2090. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 56 13.13 Soil-Bentonite Slurry Walls N Superseding UFGS 02 35 27 SOIL-BENTONITE (S-B) SLURRY TRENCH without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 1925. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 60 00 Foundation Preparation D Superseded by UFGS 31 66 10 ROCK FOUNDATION PREPARATION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2093. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 62 23.13 Concrete-Filled Steel Piles R Superseding UFGS 31 62 23.13 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PILES, STEEL CASING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2095. Nontechnical title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 66 10 Rock Foundation Preparation N Superseding UFGS 31 60 00 FOUNDATION PREPARATION without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2093. Nontechnical number and title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 73 00 Tunnel and Shaft Grouting D Superseded by UFGS 31 73 19 TUNNEL AND SHAFT GROUTING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2097. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 31 73 19 Tunnel and Shaft Grouting N Superseding UFGS 31 73 00 TUNNEL AND SHAFT GROUTING without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2097. Nontechnical number change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 32 84 23 Underground Sprinklers R Superseding UFGS 32 84 23 UNDERGROUND SPRINKLER SYSTEMS without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2136. Nontechnical title change.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 33 01 50.55 Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks R Replacing without change UFGS-33 01 50.60 / Non-technical Section Number change
Feb-2021 N UFGS 33 01 50.65 Inspection of Field Fabricated Fuel Storage Tanks N New section to address the requirements for an out of service Inspection of a Field Fabricated Fuel Storage Tank.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 33 09 53 Aviation Fuel Pump Control and Annunciation System (Type III) R Superseding UFGS 33 09 53 AVIATION FUEL PUMP CONTROL AND ANNUNCIATION SYSTEM without revision to comply with MF 2011 in response to CCR 2138. Nontechnical title change.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 33 52 43.13 Aviation Fuel Piping C 1 Updated reference publication in paragraph 2.1.6 in response to CCR 8022. Deleted redundant submittal items in response to CCR 8765. Corrected misspelled words in response to CCR 9188. Updated paragraph Contractor Qualifications to align with UFGS 33 52 40 and UFGS 33 52 10 in response to CCR 8536.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 33 52 43.14 Aviation Fuel Control Valves C 1 Updated valve body material. Corrected terminology in paragraph 1.5 in response to CCR 9173. Clarified paragraph Bodies, Bonnets, and Covers in response to CCR 9174. Updated sentence in paragraph in response to CCR 3432.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 33 52 43.23 Aviation Fuel Pumps C 1 Updated pump casing material.
Feb-2021 A UFGS 35 45 01 Vertical Pumps, Axial-Flow and Mixed-Flow Impeller-Type R Complete review and update.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 41 22 13.14 Bridge Cranes, Overhead Electric, Top Running C 1 Incorporation of cyber security requirements, clarification of testing requirements, and formatting.
Feb-2021 N UFGS 41 22 13.15 Bridge Cranes, Overhead Electric, Under Running Trolley C 1 Incorporation of cyber security requirements, clarification of testing requirements, and formatting.
Nov-2020 N UFGS 01 14 00 Work Restrictions C 11 Updated Additional Personnel Requirements ( and subparagraph to clarify work restrictions for secure facilities. Incorporated the following CCRs: CCR 9027, revised General Note in relation to tailoring options included in the section; CCR 9028, corrected tailoring in Part 1; and CCR 9029, corrected subpart hierarchy by moving "Unarmed Escort Services" paragraph into "CONTRACTED SERVICES FOR NBK BANGOR, SILVERDALE, WA. (1.16).
Nov-2020 N UFGS 01 20 00 Price and Payment Procedures N New Unified Section; Superseding UFGS 01 20 00.00 20 and UFGS 01 22 00.00 10 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES
Nov-2020 N UFGS 01 20 00.00 20 Price and Payment Procedures D Superseded by new unified section, UFGS 01 20 00 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Nov-2020 A UFGS 01 22 00.00 10 Price and Payment Procedures D Superseded by new unified section UFGS 01 20 00 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES. Note: The last published PDF version of this Section is available in the previous release in the UFGS Archives.
Nov-2020 N UFGS 01 30 00 Administrative Requirements R Revised to include NAVFAC Design-Build Division 01 tailoring option and incorporate CCRs.
Nov-2020 N UFGS 01 35 13 Special Project Procedures R Revised to include NAVFAC Design-Build Division 01 tailoring option and incorporate CCRs.
